Many years ago, God put Mikaela on the earth. Just as He did with David, though, He looked and realized that it was not good for her to be alone. Unlike David, however, he gave her two "Jonathans"--two! Why was she so blessed? Who was she to be born with two kindred spirits? No one will ever know, least of all her. These three girls were the first in their families. Their parents learned together and grew together. Who knew where they would go, what they would do, and who they would be! One girl could have been homeschooled all her life while the other two attended public school faithfully. One could have traveled the world as an archeologist, while another set up shop as a hairstylist, and a third lived in New York City as a book editor.
God could have drawn two girls to Himself, and the third could have rejected Him and rebelled against authority. None of the three girls anticipated music, homeschooling, teaching, falling wildly in love with God, or staying at home under their father's authority. They were just babies! The world was their oyster, and who knew what they would grow up to be?
But as the years passed, God changed and matured the hearts of these girls in parallel motion. One girl might discover the violin before the other two--but it wasn't long until all three were fascinated and dedicated to their instrument. Two of the girls might have committed to modest, feminine apparel before the other one--but it wasn't long before all three challenged and encouraged each other in that area.
Sleepovers, parties, letters, cooking experiments, awkward phone conversations, birthdays, stepping into a bee's nest, vacations--the three girls still remained inseparable. Oh! They had other friends, and loved them dearly. But, somehow, God had knit these three together in a very precious way. Then, one sad year, one girl had to move an hour away. It might as well have been from coast to coast, because to three little girls, one hour is an insurmountable span of distance and time.

However, their friendship grew and blossomed! They had room in their hearts and lives for others now, but they still had a special place for each other. Pages and pages of letters and emails passed between the three, all signed with their very special pen names. These girls kept on growing and maturing--and still, God kept their lives synchronized in a way only He could do.
They were to each other that rare thing which Anne Shirley so aptly described:
"A bosom friend--an intimate friend, you know--a really kindred spirit to whom I can confide my inmost soul. I've dreamed of meeting her all my life. I never really supposed I would, but so many of my loveliest dreams have come true all at once that perhaps this one will, too. Do you think it's possible?"
These girls were finishing up high school, and asking the big questions now. "What do we do with our lives? What is God's will for us?" And all three settled down with one, overarching answer: live for God's glory. All three received specific answers: live under your father's authority for the purpose and preparation of marriage, if God should bless you. And all three received answers for their immediate future: further your education from home, help your mom and family, and teach music.

“Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. 'Pooh,' he whispered.
'Yes, Piglet?'
'Nothing,' said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw, 'I just wanted to be sure of you.'”

They got to
travel to Utah together and learn how to be better musicians, teachers, and friends!

They challenged each other to faith and good works.

And they challenged each other to silly antics, late nights, and painful laughing sprees.
Sarah, who am I to deserve such a friend as you? How ridiculously impossible is it that God put you, Lauren, and I together from our birth and has kept us together until now? I can't answer these questions, of course, but it doesn't really matter.

When I watched you join our ranks last Saturday as an official high school graduate, I was inordinately proud of you and your incredible accomplishments. You're beautiful, talented, sweet, Godly, and such a good friend. Can I grow up to be like you someday?

Sure, we're different. You have strawberry-blond hair--we have brown. You're a night person, we're morning people. If trapped on a desert island, your food of choice would be a drink. If trapped on a desert island, my food of choice would be food. You like math, we don't.

In the end, though, none of these things really matter.
"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together. There is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you.” ~ Winnie the Pooh
Congratulations on your graduation, my dear friend, and happy birthday. I'm so glad that God saw that it would not be good for Lauren and I to go through life without you.
Mikaela~ Goodness, girl! I almost cried reading this post!! How beautiful and sweet to see you and Lauren have such a sweet friend (outside of each other) as Sarah. What a blessing! Yes, indeed, bosom friends are such a special part in each of our lives. I had to wait quite a while before the LORD sent me one...but now, I have a few VERY close friends! The LORD has SO blessed me!! I'm so glad that you two have been as blessed.
ReplyDeleteLove you, girls!
Oh and you girls are all so cute and gorgeous :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautifully-written and delightful post, Mikaela. I believe friendship is one of God's greatest gifts to mankind. I am incredibly grateful for my bosom friend and dear kindred spirit - my sister. She has been with me through thick and thin and stayed when other friends have gone. You are blessed to have Sarah, but I know she is also very blessed to have you and Lauren. : )
ReplyDelete*sniff sniff* If I ever doubt the kindness and love of God, I just have to remember...He blessed me with friends like you! I am forever thankful to Him for this special friendship. He really is amazing, isn't He? Love you, my dear sis!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I laughed out loud at your "desert island food choice" difference...
You know, Raquel, it takes courage to show your one-year old self on the internet! Thanks for your sweet words. =) I'm so glad that you and Ruthie have been blessed as I have and can understand the treasure of true friends!
ReplyDeleteSarah--amen! He is amazing. I thought you would appreciate the delineation of our desert island food choices. =) And I love your new profile pic--too cute!
Awww, Mikaela this post made me think of my sisters and I. :) What a blessing sisters are-thanks for sharing this with us. It sure looks like you girls have as much fun together as my sisters and I!