Tuesday was many things. It was a day so grey and cloudy that we never could tell if the sun even rose that morning.
In an equally shocking turn of events, Tuesday was also a rainy and blustery day. But the rain could not restrain us, and the bluster could not fluster us. In fact, the weather only made us puff up with that much more patriotism for our state, because Tuesday was also "Homeschool Day at the Capitol," and everyone knows that going to the Washington state Capitol when it is not raining is akin to going to Buckingham Palace when the Queen is not in. There is just something missing!
But the excitement does not end there! Tuesday was also "Apple Pie Day" in which hundreds of homeschoolers across the state added dashes of love and cups of gratefulness in with their pinches of cinammon and mounds of freshly peeled and cut apples.
These pies were paired with thank you notes and information on our WA state homeschool conference, which we were then privileged to help hand deliver with a smile and a fork to our senators, representatives, Governor, and Lieutenant Governor. What fun it was to walk through cubicles and hand out homemade apple pies, leaving smiles and happiness in our wake.
Below, Susanna and Micah prepare to deliver another pan of scrumptiousness!
Mikaela and Micah--Pie Delivery Team Extraordinaire!
After we had traipsed all across the Capitol campus and discovered just how heavy apple pies can be, we slipped in for the last part of the introductory session for the homeschoolers. We were updated on the issues currently being battled at the Capitol and had the opportunity to ask questions and receive vital answers from a wonderful husband and wife team who devotes six months of their life every year to making sure that homeschool rights are protected in Olympia.
Spending the day with dear friends was one of the highlights!
You cannot resist that face!
In the rotunda, sitting on cold marble steps, we heard from a Representative who is actually a homeschooling father and devoted Christian! Of course, he is not our representative, but he was an inspiring speaker nonetheless!
We heard from a white-haired legislator whose grandchildren are being homeschooled, from a legislator who public-schooled his children, but whose nieces and nephews are being homeschooled, and from a legislator who joked that the flaky sound system didn't bother him because he grew up in a family of ten children! Four or five representatives and senators spoke in all, and we prayed for each and every one, with men laying their hands on these public servants and asking the Lord to bless them with wisdom and integrity. That was a special time!
Our hands were clapping and our feet were tapping along with this great homeschooled sibling fiddle trio! Old Joe Clark, Cripple Creek, and Bile 'em Cabbage combined with the musicians' infectious smiles meant that you couldn't help but love their music! Several friends leaned over and whispered to me incredulously, "How can her fingers move so fast?"
Don't we fit right in in the grand Reception room?
Over a hundred years ago, it was decided that we needed a state seal. And rather than pay an expensive designer to create one, our savvy leaders got together and decided to hold a contest. A pair of equally savvy local jewelers decided to enter the contest, and hearkened back to their kindergarten days to do so. I can see them now, haphazardly tracing an inkwell onto a sheet of paper, glancing around for a slightly smaller circular object, and reaching into their pockets for a silver dollar, which they traced just inside the inkwell circle. I can imagine them scribbling, "The Seal of the State of Washington 1889" in between the circles, grabbing a handy stamp of GW, plopping it right in the middle, and then nodding in satisfaction at their brilliant design. This is now our illustrious state seal that is emblazoned on flags, floors, and yes, even the bathroom door handle!
Left to right: Jonah, Lauren, Micah, Susanna, Melanie, Mikaela
Our day at the Capitol was busy, but wonderful, and though I've gone to the Homeschool Day at the Capitol several times, it was wonderful to see my younger siblings getting excited about this hub of government in our state. We discovered new nooks and crannies (who knew that half the representatives don't get marble halled offices, but instead are relegated to a trailer park of mobile homes?), greeted old friends, had a lively discussion with an aide to our senator, and drove home through the driving rain exhausted, but quite happy.

Note: All photos taken by Mama or Mikaela.
You were in Olympia? At the Capitol? Too bad I didn't know about that...it would have been neat to meet you! WE live about 7 min. away from the Capitol... I love going there and walking the grounds. When we were in school we would go there to video our history videos, like The Inauguration of George Washington...
ReplyDeleteI am glad you had an enjoyable time!
Victoria--Oh, I wish I had thought to invite you! We actually seem to go to the Capitol a lot during legislative sessions (I've been up there three times already this year). That would be fabulous to meet you there sometime! I'm quite jealous that you live so close to it!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cool event! Looks like you all had a great time...I'm sure you were a blessing!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a beautiful day!
ReplyDeleteSounds like bunches of fun! And delicious...you did make an extra pie to keep, right? :D
ReplyDeleteLilla--It was wonderful! I'm so grateful to those who organize it for the homeschoolers in our state!
ReplyDeleteBrandy--Yes it was--we don't mind the rain, and the fellowship and education was fabulous!
Sarah--Absolutely--a gluten-free pie, to boot! We decided that would be simply wrong to give away several pies, but not be able to have one ourselves! (-: