Good Girl Equals Good Life
Cause and effect is a truism in the heart of man. We put 100 cents into a vending machine and cry “scam” if nothing comes out. We live an upright life and anticipate a good name and reputation. We work hard and spend and save money wisely and expect to stay out of poverty.
Sometimes, we think that if we were homeschooled, then we are entitled to “superior” spiritual and educational status. We subconsciously act as if when we minister to others then they will love us. And at times, we think that if we set the right boundaries, then we won’t fall prey to sin, or if we love children that we will have lots, or if we cross every t and dot every i of courtship, that we won’t have a broken heart, or if we dress modestly then everyone will treat us like ladies, or if we read our Bible every day then we’ll know God’s answers to everything, or if we don’t go into debt, then we’ll succeed financially, or if we live at home then we won’t have an independent spirit, or if we raise our children the right way then they’ll never rebel.
Have you ever echoed Jeremiah's thoughts on the wicked? I know I have. There are times when I’ve felt—without even realizing it—that I am being a good girl, so why doesn’t the world just cooperate and allow me a good life! When things get tough, I brood, wondering if I’m really in God’s will. Why is it working out so well for everyone else, but not for me? What have they done right that I have done wrong? My sense of entitlement burned a crater within me.
Good God Equals Glorifying Life
God Himself has put this understanding of cause and effect in our hearts because it is a part of His own character (Galatians 6:7). The world calls it karma or imagines an afterlife scale of good works versus bad or reincarnation based upon one’s righteousness. But the true effect for every cause won’t be made manifest until the end of this age at the ultimate reckoning when God judges the world.
We understand that life isn’t a vending machine, that man is inherently sinful, that the ultimate reward of eternal life isn’t based on what we did (good works) but what we received (salvation). Tribulation is a promise (John 16:33) for those who follow God and do good!
If you’ve examined yourself in the suffering and found that you are not suffering for wrongdoing (a cause and effect everyone can support!) then do not be surprised (I Peter 4:12-13). Yours may not be a “good” life right now—but there is a good God Who asks you to glorify Him anyways. Don’t waver. Don’t think that hardship only befalls the evil, or that you must have shorted the cosmic vending machine somewhere along the way. God has covered you with His good, and you’re in the midst of a cause and effect much greater than you. This cause and effect spans centuries and transcends your mortal life. This cause and effect reaches all the way into an eternity that commences with “Well done, my good and faithful servant,” and continues with worshiping God. The grievous cause is ephemeral. And the effect? It never ceases.
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