I just had one little bacterium in the wrong place. One evil germ with a plan. That little bacterium, I have discovered, can double its numbers every 10-30 minutes. This means that in seven hours that one wicked germ could have turned out over 2 million offspring! Somehow this doesn’t seem fair to poor little me, who had to put up with the rising dynasty of pneumonia bacteria…
However, I have been working on remorselessly throwing my evil little tenants out, and am feeling much better. So much better, in fact, that I have been thinking about the analogy here. Have you ever thought about the little things that control our lives? My microscopic bacteria friends have controlled my life for almost a week now, and I can’t even see them! On a different level, though, how many little imposters hold the reins in our spiritual lives?
In my own life, it’s the little sins that trip me, the little distractions that confuse me, and the little idols that steal my heart. I have to ask myself, how many of my activities are miniscule and frivolous in comparison to eternity? How many of my priorities are parasites that eat up too much time? How many little things do I get angry about and hurt a relationship over? I remember when Melanie, my younger sister, would “get into my stuff.” She loved to fondle my six-year-old treasures, and when she, at age three, would break one of them, my anger could not be soothed! At the time, I just could not imagine ever forgetting those broken treasures that now I have long since forgotten. I let my possessions control my emotions.
James 3:4 says, “Look also at ships: although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires.” Perhaps it’s time for a rudder check. Matthew 6:33 provides a good one: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Seeking God is the BIG thing; compared to that, everything else is just a microscopic germ. We hear all the time that we should cherish the little things, but at the same time, I suggest, don’t sweat the small stuff—it just might lay you flat on your back!