
You're Invited: A Cupcake Party!

This is big news.  Dare I say it?  In my world it's bigger than the Seahawks losing the Super Bowl. But then again, cupcakes always trounce football in my world.  

Let me explain: nearly one month ago, Mikaela, Sarah, and I were devouring the famed Georgetown cupcakes in D.C. when inspiration hit--and it tasted very sweet.  

"We should bake more cupcakes," someone said.  
"Well, then why don't we have a cupcake blog party?" someone else said.  
"Let's do it!" yet another of us agreed.  

And with no dissenting voices to be heard, it was a delicious plan.  
So here's your open invitation to our delicious party!

Who: Everyone who loves cupcakes.  (That would be the whole world, right?)
When: Three Toothsome Thursdays out of the month until we can't handle cupcakes any longer!
Where: Mikaela and I will share all our treats right here, Sarah will share hers on her blog, and all of you guys can share yours on your blogs, then link up with our linky party each week!
The Mission: Make the world a more delicious place.  Every month, we will choose a different category and each bake our best offering from that category.  We kick off the event with, what else? Chocolate! 
Who is excluded: Nobody!  Incidentally, most of our cupcakes are going to be gluten free, but this party is open to every taste.  Yumminess for all!

And just to get you salivating, here's a peek at my creation: Peanut Butter Chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese peanut butter frosting.
Have I convinced you yet?
See you on Thursday!


  1. This is such a fun idea! I love eating cupcakes but usually they never make it to being pretty because they get eaten first : ) Maybe I will have to try this out. I am trying to get a tiny bit of blogging going.

    1. Oh, I definitely want to see your cupcakes--I can only imagine the gorgeousness and deliciousness!

  2. Brilliant plan! I applaud your endeavors to make the world a sweeter place, and I do hope and plan to participate in the partaking of such items as will bring this globe-changing revolution to pass!

    1. Sarah's lucky to have such a willing and self-sacrificing taste tester! Hope the China trip is going well!


We love comments like we love sunshine and chocolate and chubby babies!